The Mantle of the Magi



Role Playing Game




#5 Saturday 7pm-11pm

Game Description

Play the HEROES in a Shadowdark epic homebrew adventure!

The time has come to regain the Mantle of the Magi for the White Magi Council. The problem is the Mantle currently rests on the shoulders of the Dark Magus of the Shadowed One. Commander of the Necromantic Armies of the Shadowed One, he is in the depths of his cursed fortress at Mglyndrom, deep behind enemy lines. It is judgement time! Do you, the Golden Manticores, have the mettle to assassinate a Dark Magus in his Tower and retrieve the Mantle of the Magi?

Your party: The Golden Manticores

Brounaic Hollystrak the Stout: Dwarf Templar of the Covenant and Clan Hollystrak Speaker of the Truth. May your judgement rain woe upon the head of the enemy.
Aithlin Elleth the Bow: Elf Knight of the Lineage Fithrandir following the Oath of the Oak. May your pierce truth and justice into the tide of evil.
Elnaril Elleth the Wand: Elf Arcanist of the Lineage Fithrandir, Arbiter of the Oak, bearing the Feather Brooch of the Druid. May your wand diminish the might of the foe.
Gou Youngtree the Patient: Human Righteous Templar of the Saint, embodying the principles of righteousness, light, and justice. May your wisdom illuminate the darkness of the enemy.
Thom Trueblood the Firm: Human Knight of the Oath of the Saint, Freerider of the Union. May your sword slash the morale of the foe.
Llew Leafwalker the Lightstepper: Halfling Rook of the Vale, Union Scout. From yonder Vale to the front lines in the East, may your lightstep be dangerous to lurking evil.

No Shadowdark experience necessary! No books necessary. Just bring your polyhedrals and lets roll!

Game Master

Chris Stocovaz










Paul Scapinello


