Malifaux All-Out Brawl



Miniature Game


Malifaux 3e


#4 Saturday 2pm-6pm

Game Description

Come out and get to know the Guelph Malifaux community! There is no prizing for this event, as it is intended to be social in nature. The rules are as follows:

All Out Brawl is a game mode for 4-8 players and differs from standard Malifaux in the following ways:

• Players may choose any one non-Master, non-Henchman with Cost 10 or less as their Leader. No other models are hired.

• Players may deploy their model anywhere not within 6" of another model (in a random

• Leaders have an Action limit of 2 instead of 3.

• Players have a maximum hand size of 3.

• Models cannot be Buried. If a model would be Buried, it instead suffers 2 irreducible damage.

• Each player flips for Initiative. When determining Initiative, the player with the highest Initiative is first, then the second highest, and so on. When Activating, play proceeds in this same order.

• When a player would Activate a model, if they have no models in play, they may Summon
their Leader within 6" of a random table edge. Their Leader then gains Slow.

• Models cannot be Summoned from any effect other than the above effect, if a model would
be Summoned, the Summon effect is ignored.

• Simultaneous effects that occur involving multiple models are always resolved in
Initiative order.

• Instead of using Schemes and Strategies, players may gain VP in any of the following ways:

• After a model is killed by another model, the Crew controlling the model that killed it
gains 2 VP.

• At the end of a model’s Activation, its controller gains 1 VP for each enemy model
damaged during that Activation.

• During the End Phase, a Crew gains 1 VP if it has any models within 6" of
the Centerpoint.

Game Master



Paul Dimitroff














