One Page RPGs
Role Playing GameSystem:
One Page RPGsSlot(s):
#7 Sunday 9am-1pmGame Description
A collection of silly one page RPGs. You'll need a d6 and thats all.You won't need to think much which is perfect for the Sunday morning slot. We will be playing a variety of One Page RPGs where you're in a situation and will roll to see the results, usually hilarious and silly.
Some examples of the games are:
Potato: you are a hobbit trying to grow potatoes in your garden. The world keeps trying to drag you off into adventures you don't want.
Pedro Pascal On the Run with A Magical Child: for copyright reasons clearly not The Mandalorean
D-List Superhero: bitten by a radioactive plot device you are a d-list superhero
Drag Race Rampage: Death Race 2000 meets Ru Paul's Drag Race
Unlicensed Dungeon Game: definitely NOT D&D
And others. These games aren't serious just seriously silly.