Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced/Adjusted Format Tournament
Card GameSystem:
#4 Saturday 2pm-6pmGame Description
Join us for an Advanced Format+Adjusted List Tournament of Yu-Gi-Oh!With the recent Adjusted List, Performapal Performage no longer exists the same way, but remnants of that deck still prove to be worthy adverseries. Monarchs and Kozmos continue to persist as well, but will the new cards from Wing Raiders bring in new contenders? Or will you use a different strategy altogether? Whatever you decide to come with, it's time to Duel!
-40 minute swiss rounds, turnout will determine amount of rounds
-Cards up to Wing Raiders are legal in accordance to the Forbidden and Limited list, check www.yugioh-card.com to find the newest F&L list for reference, as well as https://yugiohblog.konami.com/articles/?p=7596 for the Adjusted List.
-No deck lists needed, but you cannot change your Main, Side or Extra Decks during the tournament.
-Wing Raiders will be the primary prizing option.