The Price of Freedom



Role Playing Game


D&D 4th Edition


#1 Friday 7pm-11pm

Game Description

The Dusk Ports of Returned Abeir are considered fairly nice places to live. That is, if you aren’t one of the citizens their cruel ruler, the Green Duchess, decides to devour for a snack. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure involving the Scions of Amber meta-organization set in Returned Abeir for characters of the Paragon tier (levels 11-20). This adventure is the first part of the Scions of Hope trilogy.

Game Master

jordan mceachern




michael tretter




Moogle Reaper


Sebastian Fischmeister




if you are making a level 11 character
posted by jordan mceachern on Wed, 13 Feb 2013
if you need any help making new characters(if you have one already that work aswell) let me know, rules are below if you are making a new character, I will bring some level 11 pre-gen aswell as few i plan on making

Starting gold: 5000GP

Starting Magic Items: You must fill your three highestlevel
found-item slots during character creation. Each slot
is filled as if you had taken the “choose an item” Treasure.
You can choose either Common or Uncommon items to
fill these slots, but you must follow the item-level limits
based on each slot’s level. For example, if you are creating
an 11th-level character, you will fill your level 11, level
10, and level 9 found-item slots. The level 11 slot can
hold a Common item of 13th level or less, or an
Uncommon item of 11th level or less. The level 10 slot
can hold a Common item of 12th level or less, or an
Uncommon item of 10th level or less. The level 9 slot can
hold a Common item of 11th level or less, or an
Uncommon item of 9th level or less. You may not leave
these slots open; you must fill them during character
creation. They represent the magic items that your
character gained during his or her previous adventures.
• Found-Item Slots: You forfeit all the other found-item
slots that are numbered below your starting character
level. For example, if you start at 8th level, you lose your
level 1 through level 5 found item slots (and you filled
your level 6, 7, and 8 slots during character creation). You
have no open found-item slots when you begin play, but
you gain another found-item slot each time you gain a
character level. Just like any character, items that you
purchase with gold are not considered found items.