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Here are some of the vendors who'll be at Gryphcon 2006!

722 Annette Street,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6S 2E2
Telephone: (416) 604-9410 Fax: (416) 767-9625

Crossed Swords is returning to Gryphcon agian, offering a wide selection of games and gaming products including: D20 games, Settlers of Catan, Maps, Hero clix, and much more.

Those who wish to pre-order any games can write this in note on their
pre-registration form. A discount will be given to all if enough pre-orders
are made.

Runeforge Armouries
 David Cassoro
(519) 803-1684*
This year our leatherworker will provide bracers, leather roses, engraved
pendants, ren-style shirts, cloaks, spiked collars, and much more!
As well, measurements for custom orders will be taken. For larger orders, a
40% deposit is required.
*Please phone after 6:00pm, or anytime on weekends.